Since 1919 Scandolara has worked towards consolidating its leadership in the field of tube production for packaging pharmaceutical, cosmetics, oral care, and food products. It currently stands as one of the few European concerns capable of offering two types of tubes for food packaging - in
Engaged in a comprehensive strategic plan, in recent years Scandolara has started up a project of diversification, buying a stake of Tusa S.A.(Vevey, Switzerland), specialized in the production of aluminum tubes for the pharma sector, completing the acquisition in 2008.
Tubes for food packaging
Tubes of taste. Food to be consumed when and where you need it, in total safety because packed in functional and hygienic containers. Our fine food traditions are a value worth preserving, all the better if in a Scandolara tube.
Tomato concentrate, mayonnaise, anchovy paste,
Scandolara, thanks to
All types of tubes produced intended for the food sector conform to
* Directive 94/62/EC (Packaging and Packaging Waste)
* Regulation 1907/2006/EC (REACH)
* Regulation 2023/2006/EC (GMP)
* Regulation 1895/2005 (epoxy derivatives in contact with food)
* DM 21/3/73 and subsequent updates (Hygienic Packaging Discipline)
* Regulation 1223/20098 (only in conjunction with the customer)